Beautiful Software

Customised, scalable and efficient - Riwers is your partner for software solutions that really suit your company. We support you from the initial idea through development to long-term support.

Some of our clients

Rentouch Logo
Logo Meteotest
Logo Business Transaction
Logo Carinas
EBP Logo
Schenker Storen Logo
Logo lengoo
Logo lusee
Logo Peppermill.Cloud
ETH Juniors Logo

Our services at a glance

Your business is unique and we are flexible. That's why we offer a range of software development models to suit your needs. Do you already have a software team and need support? Do you want to outsource software development or build a new product from scratch? Here is an overview of the services we offer:

Software development

Customised, project-based software development for specific use cases or industries

Software teams

Flexible expansion and scaling of your existing software infrastructure and software teams

Software department as-a-service

A dedicated software department for full development of unique and proven product ideas

What our customers say


Riwers implemented the project in an excellent, timely, uncomplicated and very competent manner.

Beat Schläfli, CEO & Gründer, Peppermill

People Analytix

The Riwers developers are great guys. Top in terms of content and people and absolutely reliable. The team is very committed, responsive and always on point.

Daniel Hörschläger, COO, People Analytix


The international team of Riwers shines with lived agility and outstanding expertise in software development and the project-accompanying processes. The software developers and software architects think ahead and proactively create future-proof solutions.

Ingo Rauner, Founder & CEO, Cyrinas

read customer story

This is Riwers

When innovative and customised solutions are required, we are there. With our team of around 50 employees at our two locations in Berne and Bratislava, we cover the entire software development process.

More about us
Group photo of Riwers Team Bratislava

More about software, scaling & nearshoring

Is nearshoring just a trend or a sustainable answer to the lack of qualified personnel? How can quality and smooth collaboration be ensured? Justified questions to which we have found answers.

Software Team | Riwers

Development team: Scale software projects flexibly & compensate for lack of capacity

Find out how a development team is organised, what its tasks are and how you can find the right solution for your company.

Frau entwickelt individuelle Software | riwers

Customized software development: tailor-made instead of off-the-shelf software?

Customized software development instead of a ready-made solution - when does it make sense?

Richtungspfeile zur richtigen Outsourcing Lösung | Riwers

Software development outsourcing: make the right decisions with our guide & outsource successfully

How exactly can you outsource your software development and what models are possible? Find out in this article!

How do we get started?

Do you have any questions about our services or are you unsure which of our offerings is best suited to your project? Tell us about your project or vision! We'll help you find the starting point for your digital journey.